October 2019
The Monthly Newsletter of Camp 1387
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The monthly Newsletter of the Capt. J.J. Dickison Camp 1387, 10 th Brigade, Florida Division,
Army of Tennessee, Sons of Confederate Veterans, Melbourne Florida
Vol. 39 No. 10 October 2019 Chartered 28 March 1981 Editor Steve Smith
Thursday, October 24, 2019 MEETING
Judge Advocate Don Lock 321-752-9276 Camptalk Editor Steve Smith 321-631-7562 Webmaster Tom Watkins 321-254-0241 Q’termaster Marc Thornton 321-698-4550
Heritage Don Young 321-452-3207 Color Sgt. Rob Murray 321-269-7747 UDC/OCR Liaison OPEN
Recording Sec. OPEN
Camp 1387 Email Address:
Active Link to the Camp 1387 SCV Web site:
Active Link to the Florida Division SCV Website:
Active Link to the Sons of Confederate Veterans Website:
Military website:
Good Morning Compatriots,
I would like to encourage each member to call someone and offer them a ride to the meeting on Merritt Island. Hope everyone will attend our next camp
The E-Board is scheduling their November meeting there. They do require that we spend $100.00 to utilize their room.
This month Larry Thornton will make a presentation at our monthly meeting.
Please keep up to date with “what’s happening” via this Camp Talk newsletter or by going to the Camp 1387 web site:
In Service to The South,
Tom Watkins
Commander Camp 1387
6. Nov 16, 2019 – The third Saturday of each month
a. Camp workday @ Sharpes Cemetery.
b. 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
7. Nov 21, 2019 – The fourth Thursday of each month (except Nov & Dec)
a. Next Camp 1387 Monthly Meeting.
b. Eat @ 6 PM, Meeting @ 7 PM, Program @ 8 PM.
c. Meeting this month will at TBD.
8. Nov 28, 2019 – Thanksgiving Day Holiday
a. As established by Federal President Abraham Lincoln on
10/3/1863. (See It Happened in Oct 1863 below)
9. Nov 29, 2019 – Black Friday
Our October meeting program will be presented by Larry Thornton.
Notable Quote:
“…..You see, Southerners always make up flattering stories about themselves
while Northerners just tell the true facts.
Southerners are intrinsically evil and Northerners intrinsically good. The
South is not to be understood for itself, as it is and was, as something with
its own life and identity. It exists only as the bad side of America”
by Clyde N. Wilson. ©2016.
Shotwell Publishing LLC, Columbia, S.C.
Lies My Teacher Told Me
It Happened During October 1863:
Southern States realize the necessity to free bonded African Americans in
Good Reference Reading Books for this Month (all available on
1. Bloodstains, An Epic History of the Politics that Produced and Sustained
the American Civil War and the Political Reconstruction that Followed by
Howard Ray White © 2012. Southernbooks; First Edition, 4 Volumes.
ISBN-13: 978-0983719229; ISBN-10: 0983719225.
2. The War Between the States; 60 Essential Books; A Southern Reader’s
Guide by Dr. Clyde N. Wilson. ©2019. Shotwell Publishing, LLC. ISBN-13:
978-1-947660-17-5; ISBN-10: 1-947660-17-9.
3. Reconstruction and The New South, 1865-1913; 60 Essential Books; A
Southern Reader’s Guide by Dr. Clyde N. Wilson. ©2019. Shotwell
Publishing, LLC.
If you have read any good books and feel that others in our camp would
benefit from reading them, please submit them to the Camptalk editor @ or 321-631-7562. Individual copies of our Camp
The City of Charlottesville Will Appeal Loss of UDC Lawsuit
The Daily Progress reports the City Council on Monday night authorized the city attorney to appeal once a judge delivers his final ruling against removing statues of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.
Circuit Court Judge Richard Moore ruled last month that monuments don't send a racially discriminatory message. He also issued a permanent injunction preventing the city from removing the statues.
A group of residents led by the UDC sued the city, citing a state law that protects war memorials. The only outstanding issue is their request for more than $600,000 in attorneys' fees. A hearing is scheduled for Oct. 15.
Three Newest Inductees into SCV Camp 1387
Camp 1387
2303 Scotland Rd
Cocoa, FL 32926
A Florida non-profit educational org.
Past Issues of Camptalk