Camp 1387 Events-Picture Gallery
Camp 1387 is available for various public events. We participate in parades, dedications, ceremonies, school programs, memorials and many more. We customize our program for your event.
If you would like additional information, please e-mail :
Confederate Memorial Day
Camp 1387 Confederate Memorial Day Observation was held Sunday 28 April at the Melbourne
Cemetery. The event continues to be one that truly honors our ancestors and pays fitting tribute
to their trials and tribulations and is one that we Southerners very much enjoy.
We had 70 folks from the Henry Patrick Gradick UDC Chapter 2406, Jacob Summerlin Camp
1516 Kississimmee, Munnerlyn Cow Cavalry Camp 2120 Christmas and the Order of
Confederate Rose and Black Rose Societies. We had attendees young and old, new oldsters
and old youngsters as is the tradition.
Our sincere thanks go out to all the volunteers who made this event possible. UDC 2406, 1516
provided their cannon and firing crew; Black Rose Society Sarah Lee for Widow Weeds; Pipers
and Drummer arranged by Melody Hunter; Musicians Sheryl Paige, Mike Orrison, Tracy Yoho
and Jena Carson and Taps Bugler Jason Walton.
A tip of the kepi to whomever provided these photos.