Camp 1387 Events-Picture Gallery
Camp 1387 is available for various public events. We participate in parades, dedications, ceremonies, school programs, memorials and many more. We customize our program for your event.
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Confederate Memorial Day
Camps 1387 and 1516
Pipers, drummer and Honor Guard
Flag Bearers Ben DuBose and Greg Carson
Miss Lee
Miss Jena Carson played in the rain
Professor George Khoury
Grand Old Dames of UDC 2406 with Florida President
Camp 1387 Capt. JJ Dickison Melbourne 29 April City Cemetery Melbourne, 60 attendees
The Henry Patrick Gradick Chapter 2406 of the Untied Daughters of the Confederacy and Camp
1387 held their annual Confederate Memorial Day Ceremony. The heaviest shower in our 18
years of holding this commemoration got us a bit damp and messed up some hair do’s, but it did
not dampen the resolve of the collected audience or troops. We had our usual reading of
soldiers in the cemetery, roll call of the ancestors of the UDC and SCV groups, poetry recital
and music. We had 2 pipers and a drummer to march with our Honor Guard. A special new
addition was participation of Camp 1516 Jacob Summerlin from Kississimee with their new
cannon. The combined rifle and cannon salute added a crowning touch to the event. Hats off to
the ladies for the snacks and drinks after the service and a “well done” to the cannon crew.
A tip of the kepi to whomever provided these photos.